Our first-ever Irish FoCus event has taken place in Dublin at The Davenport Hotel on 11st May. It was fantastic to see a gathering of professionals who share our passion for ServiceNow engaged in meaningful discussions about the opportunities it presents in different business scenarios. We hope that you had as much fun as we did. For those who missed the event, we’re here to give you a rundown of some key takeaways so we can all relive the excitement!
Bringing the Irish ServiceNow community together in Dublin
The Dublin event was an exceptional opportunity for the Irish ServiceNow community to exchange the latest information and technology advancements that could help make the most out of ServiceNow.
Our Speakers
Mike Turner, our very own reporting and analytics expert, took the stage to share his unique perspective on ServiceNow’s analytics re-platforming. Mike has been building reporting solutions for 20 years and worked closely with the ServiceNow product team. He introduced us to the new target operating model and demonstrated how organisations can apply and utilise these new functionalities to upgrade user experience and configuration options. If you want to dive deeper into Mike’s insights on ServiceNow’s reporting, check out his blog here.
Noel O’Malley, ICT Global Service Delivery Manager at Kerry Group, gave us a great overview of the company as a whole and talked about the pain points that lead them to adopt ServiceNow. He shared how the implementation unfolded, highlighting how the solution effectively addressed their challenges. Noel also took us through the key metrics his team used to measure success. His experience showcased the impact of ServiceNow and how it can be tailored to meet specific business needs to maximise value.